This dam is the most dangerous. A percentage of the water has been completed without what is subject to international supervision by international advisors. Only the contractor and his advisor affiliated with the contractor can not be given, so Ethiopia cannot give guarantees, and any insurance company can give guarantees and the contract as I mentioned handing over inspectors with no guarantees. Because the company is responsible, not the Ethiopian government, and this is a turn-key delivery system
Of course, the Egyptians in the discussion, their concern is nothing but water that reaches them in quantities. Now we have two solutions. The first is for this dam to be subjected to a complete review of design and implementation by international consultants specializing in safety and specialized observers. The three countries thought that the examination is carried out from the foundations to the summit with the latest devices in order to be comfortable and the model works and after the report, if it is good and blessing and put in place solutions Ethiopia is committed otherwise must change the replan (design) of the dam project and must come to an agreement about all issues.